Tue, 05/21/2024 - 1:38pm
Sunday, June 16th @ Homewood Center, 11AM -5PMTue, 05/21/2024 - 1:37pm
Due May 31st, grades K-12Thu, 05/09/2024 - 7:42am
Algebra I and II: 5/10, 5/13, 5/15, 5/16. Make sure you bring you charged Chromebook each day.Thu, 05/09/2024 - 7:40am
You are invited to our Spring Orchestra Concert featuring String Ensemble, String Orchestra and Chamber Orchestra GT!Thu, 05/09/2024 - 7:37am
Our last Caturday Study Hall of the year is this coming Saturday, May 11th! Bring your Chromebook and assignmentsMon, 05/06/2024 - 7:49am
Yearbooks are $75. Yearbook ordering closes on 5/25. Create an ad available at the link..Tue, 04/30/2024 - 10:51am
Mention the fundraiser at the register to support the band.Tue, 04/30/2024 - 10:49am
Thursday, May 2nd: dinner from 5:00 - 5:30pm, community connection from 5:30-7:30pm. Childcare is available and RSVP is requested.Wed, 04/24/2024 - 7:11am
Senior Calendar & Senior packet link, read more for details.Fri, 04/19/2024 - 2:39pm
Please complete your child's registration by May 31