Seniors! Schedule your senior portraits today!
Senior portrait dates:
10/11 and 10/12 (Room 243) - APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE
11/27, 11/28, 11/29 (Drama Commons) - APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE
1/25 and 1/26 (Drama Commons) - Scheduling not yet open
The photographer can take a yearbook only photo free of charge.
Only official senior portraits appear in the yearbook.
Photographer customer service issues/questions: 410.644.7700
Prestige Portraits also has a studio in Hanover, where seniors can make weekend appointments for an enhanced senior picture experience.
To book a studio session, visit
School Pictures
All students in grades 9-12 will be photographed on 10/16 or 10/17
ID cards are issued on site
Students are photographed with their English classes
Ordering information available soon
*Picture Retake Day: 12/6 (Room 243)
Yearbook Ordering Information
To order a yearbook or create an ad, visit
Ordering early is best! Between 9/1 and 2/1, yearbooks are $70.
Books ship directly home and the shipping cost is included in the price.
Books ordered between 2/2 and 5/25 are $75.
Yearbook ordering closes on 5/25.