Thu, 09/03/2020 - 1:59pm

We WILL have senior portrait dates at the school this fall. The first set of dates are October 5th, 6th, and 7th. The photography company will send you a postcard in mid-September with an ID code and a web site. You will visit that web site and schedule your appointment using that ID code.  
The photographers offer several different packages at varying price points which include a variety of poses and outfits. HOWEVER, there is a yearbook-only portrait option that is free of charge. 
We will have another set of dates available during the school year, but we strongly encourage you to have your portraits taken earlier in the year - this is when the photographers will have the most time to dedicate to our school (3 whole days, vs. 1 day). 
If you have questions about the photography, portrait sessions, and session pricing, please call the photographer's customer service representatives: 410.644.7700 or email at answers@lifetouch.com. 
If you have a question about senior portraits that is more school-centric, please email: hilary_henderson@hcpss.org.