Greetings Senior Class of 2024

Thu, 09/21/2023 - 9:24am

Subject:  CCR Weekly 9.18
Student and Family CCR WeeklyLinks 
Follow us on Instagram:  HCPSS_CCR
Subscribe to our google calendar for all postsecondary events
Visit our scholarship document
Visit our enrichment program document
Attend our March2Future.Sessions

Upcoming Events:  
Visit the postsecondary google calendar for more information and links to register.
Sept 19  3pm *Compass Education Presents Navigating College Admission
Sept 19  6pm *Futures Fair Sponsored by BCPS Career and Technology Education
Sept 19  6pm HCPSS Alpha Achievers Presents:  Finding the Right College Fit
Sept 19   8pm *Info Session:  ColumbiaU, UChicago, UTX Austin, YaleU, UMichigan
Sept 26   9am & 6:30pm NACAC College Fair
*These programs are not endorsed by sponsored by HCPSS.
Class of 2024: Remember to bookmark the senior college folder for all documents, resources, screencasts and to lists.  October 3rd is the deadline to submit all HCPSS required documents to meet any November 1 college deadline.  October 3rd IS 15 DAYS AWAY!  

See September Scholarship information linked here.

The United States Military Academy invites you and your students to attend one of our Admissions Events from September 18th – 21st throughout MD, DC, and northern VA! You serve an important role in educating and mentoring students through their college application process and career discernment. We therefore kindly ask that you spread the word, post these flyers, announce the events in your school, and join us to learn about West Point, life as a student, our admissions process, and the amazing academic and leadership opportunities we offer. Please RSVP via the links below or QR codes on the attached flyers.

September 18th / Baltimore, MD –
September 19th / Washington, DC –
September 20th / Springfield, VA –
September 21st / Arlington, VA –


Receive a four-year, full scholarship (including tuition, R&B, medical, dental, etc)
Earn a top-tier degree from our nationally ranked academic program renowned for leadership development
Are guaranteed employment in a meaningful career leading others and serving as an Officer in the U.S. Army
Join one of the most accomplished and connected alumni networks in the world