NOW AVAILABLE! WLHS Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-Up

Tue, 02/21/2017 - 2:05pm

HCPSS will be using the Synergy Conference Management System to schedule March 2017 parent-teacher conferences.  Starting on Friday, February 17th at 9:00am and continuing through Monday, March 6th at 2:30pm, parents can log into HCPSS Connect to view and select from the slots available.

Conferences will take place as follows:
Thursday, March 9th - 3:30pm - 6:15pm
Friday, March 10th - 11:45am - 2:45pm

Please use the following link to login to your account and review step-by-step instructions,

For parents requiring Spanish Interpreting Services during the conferences, please call Marilyn Villanueva Barker as soon as possible at 410-313-1281.

Padres que necesiten Servicios de Intérprete en español durante las conferencias, por favor llamen a Marilyn Villanueva Barker lo más pronto posible al 410-313-1281.