Student Driving and Parking on School Grounds

Permission for students to drive and park vehicles on school system property is a privilege, not a right.

In order to be granted this privilege, students must obtain a student parking permit each school year, which requires students and parents/guardians to annually attend a driver safety session and to pay the $15 fee for the parking permit. Students must also comply with all school rules related to driving and parking on school property in order to retain
this privilege.

Session dates are confirmed early in the year and may be adjusted accordingly at each school.
• Please have your student confirm the date and time with their home school prior to attending a Driver Safety Session.
• If visiting another school for a Driver Safety Session, please confirm the date and time with the appropriate school prior to attending the Driver
Safety Session.
• Sessions begin promptly at starting time; late arrivals will not be permitted.
• Student and parent/guardian must attend, annually.

Students may attend a presentation at any location. The full schedule is online at .