Futsal Club
Wilde Lake High School Futsal Club (Hope to start March 1)
What is the WLHS Futsal club?
is a club that encourages students passionate about soccer to play the modified futsal version in a safe and engaging environment after school. Students will work on teamwork, leadership, and communication skills. Students will also get to sharpen the technical aspects of their soccer game in a fun community setting. All WLHS students are welcome, and no prior experience is needed.
What is Futsal?
Futsal is a variant of soccer played (mainly) indoors on a hard court slightly larger than a basketball court, with two teams of five players each, including a goalkeeper. It uses a smaller, heavier, low-bounce ball and is recognized by FIFA as the official indoor soccer game.
Futsal is played with touchlines as boundaries and without walls or boards faster than soccer, allowing for more touches and generally resulting in higher scores. It is played in over 100 countries worldwide by 12 million players.
Times and where we meet?
In the Aux Gym after school from 2:45 pm - 4:00 pm. Days TBD.
Club members?
-We are looking for members interested in playing futsal after school and being a valued club member. This will be the futsal club’s first year at WLHS!
**Leadership roles within the club: President, Vice President, Secretary**
What Club Members need to play?
-Be a current student at WLHS.
-Bring Shin Guards and athletic shoes/ indoor soccer shoes. **No Crocs or playing without athletic shoes!**
-Come on the appropriate time/days that we are playing.
-Signed Permission Slips from Parent Guardian?
Chipotle fundraiser and dues (Dues are going to be 5 dollars for the year. This will help provide futsal equipment and club bonding events)
For more information. Please contact the Futsal Sponsors:
Jon Robbins: Teacher: Jonathan_Robbins@hcpss.org
Matt Aubin: Teacher: matthew_aubin@hcpss.org