College and Career Search Tools

College and Career Search Tools

Detailed listing of colleges and universities using criteria such as location, tuition, sports, majors, and more.
You need to create an account but then you have access to research colleges, careers, free online advice, tutoring, scholarship and financial aid. Also take the career quiz to help focus your search.
Learn more about college; applications, schedules, finding the right school for you, college tests and financial aid.
Exploration tool for finding out more about various careers and training for a variety of occupations.
Career exploration tool for a variety of occupations and career fields.
College and university research website as well as a resources for test preparation, essay writing techniques, and finding scholarships.
Descriptions of employment data, information on occupations, and the future employment outlook for a variety of career fields.
Students can take assessments of their interests to see what careers and majors might match their results.