Student Resources

Student Resources

WLHS has designated funds available for qualifying students the opportunity to participate in school activities.
Login portal for access to GAFE tools and applications
Daily Announcement Videos from WLHS students.
Student-run newspaper all about WLHS events and stories.
Describes the responsibilities of all individuals when using HCPSS owned or personally owned technology devices on the HCPSS network. Agreement must be reviewed, signed, and returned to the school.
Learn about how students can participate in BYOD and what the program entails at the high school level.
Maryland state and Howard county graduation requirements for high school students.
Information on the service learning requirement for high school graduation.
The Gifted and Talented Research Program includes two college-level courses, Independent Research and Intern/Mentor, in which students design an original research study or creative production in a self-selected area of interest. Student research or creative production focuses on contributing new knowledge to the field of study.