School Attendance/Daylight Savings/On Time Arrival to School

With all the challenges with school arrival this year, we have used 1st quarter to get settled in with new transportation patterns. Starting on Monday, November 6, we will start checking in any late students at the front lobby to ensure we have accurate school attendance each day. 

Students and families should plan to have students arrive to school by 7:45am so students will be in class by the 7:50am bell. 

Good news to go along with this:
1] We have Daylight Savings on 11/5/23, so think about it as falling back by 45 minutes instead of an hour to ensure that you are here on time!
2] Starting Monday, November 6, all students will be eligible for free breakfast on Main Street every morning, regardless of Free and Reduced Meals status! Stop by and grab a bite on your way to class by 7:45am!