Health Reminders for our ‘Ohana

We are grateful to our entire Wildecat community for your partnership to help keep every member of our ‘ohana healthy. Please see below for reminders about our protocols, and let us know any questions you have at any time. 

Do a health check for symptoms every morning before coming to school. Symptoms include fever, sore throat, cough, severe headache, difficulty breathing, new loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, or vomiting. Even symptoms that feel like a common cold can be an indicator of COVID.

Students with any symptoms or a positive COVID test should stay home from school.

Email for all absences.

Call the nurse's office 410-313-6971 if your student has a positive COVID test. This phone is answered on days schools are open from 7:30am-2:30pm.

Masks are required at WLHS at all times unless eating lunch in assigned areas of the school building.

Get the vaccine AND booster (booster shots are presently available to all folks age 16 and older and the FDA just approved them for folks ages 12-15). The booster shot makes a BIG difference in increasing protection. You can find a list of vaccination clinics at

Students with excused absences can make up all missed academic work. Check Canvas for assignments and resources.