WLHS Band Pie Sale

Please consider participating in our 2nd Annual WLHS Band Pie Sale Fundraiser! Proceeds from this fundraiser will be used to support the WLHS Band Program. New for 2021: The student who sells the most pies will have the opportunity to Pie Mr. Green in front of their ensemble!
Here is a link to our digital pie letter

We will gladly accept orders from now until Monday, October 18, 2021
Pie Delivery Date: Week of 11/15/21 (We are aiming for 11/17/21)
Pie Distribution Location: Wilde Lake HS
Ways to order: Online and Paper Copy (Contact saul_green@hcpss.org for pdf)
All checks should be made to WLHS Band Boosters
Online Ordering Link:  https://onlineorders.mrsfieldsfundraising.com/wildelakehighschool/cookies
Everyone who purchases a pie will be contacted directly with instructions for Pie Distribution. i.e., You will have the ability to pick up pies purchased by your family friends. NOTE: The Wilde Lake HS Band Boosters does not encourage anyone to sell pies in any manner inconsistent with Covid-19 health and safety protocols and recommendations set forth by the State of Maryland, Howard County, Howard County Public School System, and the CDC. This includes but is not limited to door-to-door sales. Thanks for your support of the WLHS Band Program!