Create a PDF of your paper assignment and turn it in on Canvas

If you have an assignment you are completing on actual paper you can scan the paper and turn it into a PDF to submit on Canvas.
All you need is to install google drive app on your phone and make sure you are logged into HCPSS GSuite in the drive.

1. Open the drive and click the plus sign at the bottom, and then choose “scan” as their option. (You will have to allow google drive to access your camera.)

2. Take a picture with your phone which will actually scan the paper. Once scanned you can use the crop tool to make it neat.

3. This will create a PDF in your HCPSS GSuite (Google drive) that you can easily submit in an Canvas assignment. 

If you need it, here is an additional easy to follow direction on Google to create to create a PDF that you can follow as well.