Due by 3/28 - HCPSS Special Education Survey

Dear Wilde Lake families,  
As you may be aware, RTI International, a Board of Education-approved consultant, is leading a review of the HCPSS special education program in an effort to highlight strong programming currently in place, find opportunities for growth, and develop suggestions for future, high-quality services and programs. As part of this effort, they developed a survey to get feedback to inform their recommendations.  
If you haven’t already, please take a few minutes to complete an online survey by Friday, March 28.. This survey asks for information about your experiences regarding the district’s implementation of special education services for students with disabilities from your perspective. All survey responses will be kept anonymous. 
Thank you for making time to provide feedback which will help us learn what is going well and what can be improved so that we can best serve our students who require special education services.