3/27 WLHS Culture Day

WLHS Culture Day 3/27

On 3/27, WLHS will celebrate our annual Culture Day! Students can use this link to sign-up to be a Culture Day presenter with a trifold display or cultural performance. Contact Dr. Cometa (laura_cometa@hcpss.org) for more information. Student sign up: https://forms.gle/szqJh63PCYhG7Qsz7

Family Culture Night

On Thursday, March 27 from 6-7:30pm, WLHS students and families are invited to the gym for our annual Family Culture Night, where you will see wonderful student displays and performances. You are welcome to bring a taste of your culture to share at our global potluck dinner. We also encourage you to wear cultural clothing and participate in our all-ages fashion show if you would like to! Contact Dr. Cometa (laura_cometa@hcpss.org) if you have any questions.