From the PTSA - 4/21/20

WLHS PTSA April Meeting - Please mark your calendars. The Wilde Lake High School PTSA will hold its April meeting on Tuesday, April 21 at 7:00 pm using Zoom. We look forward to having Principal Marcy Leonard join us to provide updates and to hearing your experiences with how things are going with your students. Please join us if you are able using your computer or the dial in number below. We look forward to gathering with you (virtually)!

Time: Apr 21, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 837 6331 3885

One tap mobile +19292056099,,83763313885# 

Find your local number:

Senior Banners Are Still Available - Given the current environment, we have decided to extend the deadline for orders of senior banners to Friday, April 17, 2020. At this time, we cannot guarantee when we get delivery of the banners, or whether we will be able to hang them on Main Street, but they will still make a special gift for your graduate.  To order your Senior banner:

1. Download the order form here:

2. Send your completed form to Pat Marshall via email at or mail to Linda Leslie at 5205 Beavertail Court, Columbia, MD 21044.

3. Go online to pay for your banner at: (our PTSA payment site). Scroll down to the banner order option. If you don't have a credit card to pay with, send your payment to Linda at the above address.

4. Orders are due April 17TH. For further information, please contact Pat Marshall at or Linda Leslie at All proceeds benefit the PTSA/After Prom.