The next MVA Driver’s Permit Test will be on Tuesday, February 25th at 2:15 p.m. in the school cafeteria.

Students must be 15 years old and 9 months to complete the test.

Students must return a signed parent permission form. Permission Forms will be available on Thursday, January 16th. Forms can be found on Mrs. Broyles classroom door  (room 223). Permission forms must be returned to Mrs. Broyles by February 14th.

Students are registered for the MVA Permit Test on a first come first serve basis when the signed permission slip is returned. The MVA can only accommodate 35-40 students at a time for the test.

If your child needs to use accommodations for the test, then please visit your local MVA branch for support.

Future Test Dates being offered at Wilde Lake:
March 24th (permission forms available February 26th)
April 30th  (permission forms available March 30th)

Any questions please contact kelly_broyles@hcpss.org