12/3 - Wilde Lake High School

Family Information Night
Gifted & Talented Research Programs
Date: Tuesday, Dec 3rd
Place: Mini-Theatre @ Wilde Lake High
Time: 7:00 pm

Would you like to know more about G/T Independent Research?  Find out about this course in which students dedicate themselves to college-level research on an issue, question or problem, design and collect primary data and package that work into a portfolio and product that they deliver to an authentic audience.

Maybe you would like to hear about the Intern/Mentor Program that combines the curriculum for the Independent Research Program with a 5-10 hour weekly internship with a professional with expertise in the field of the student’s research.

Each of these courses prepares students for the rigors and responsibilities of college while allowing them the opportunity to pursue fields of special interest to them.  Students must apply, interview and provide recommendations in order to take these courses.  

Please join us in the MiniTheatre on Tuesday for an inside look as to what G/T Research is all about!