*Calculators are available for borrowing for the school year on a first come, first served basis. Calculators are treated like textbooks; If they are not returned by the last day of school in June 2019, an obligation will be submitted, and the student will be held responsible for the calculator. Calculators can be borrowed from Mrs. Hill in Room 307 at 7:15am, Room 303 at lunch, or Room 303 after school on Thursdays.
*Lunch help is available most lunches in Room 140 (the room on the right as you exit the cafeteria). There will be a volunteer from the community available Wednesday - Friday. Ms. Adams is available Mondays and Thursdays. If the door is open, there is someone available to help!
*After-School Math Help is available on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays in Room 303 (will spillover into Room 309, if needed) from 2:15pm - 2:45pm/3pm.