Are you college bound? Do have question about how to begin the College process? Maybe, you just want to know about the different types of colleges and degree programs offered?
Then you should join us once month here at the Lake for Pathways to College!

Pathways to College is a college preparatory program for high school students. The purpose of the program is to provide students with needed support through navigating the college application process, career counseling, mentoring, and financial aid guidance. The program helps to empower students to understand the college enrollment process and take ownership of their future success.  Pathways to College is a pathway to a degree and much more!!

Time: 6:30 PM -7:30 PM
Location: Room 222 @ Wilde Lake High School
Contact: Kareem Penn,  Email: , Tel. 410-313-6965

Upcoming Dates:
*Thursday, Dec 14th
*Thursday Jan 15th
*Thursday March 16th
*Thursday, May 17th