We wanted to remind you of a few things as the weather begins to turn cold and the mornings become darker…
We remind you to PAY ATTENTION and REDUCE YOUR SPEED around our community. It is important that the area around our school remain a safe place for our students to walk, bus, and drive to, so we request that you remain aware and cautious as you enter the school zone.
Additionally, we remind you that the start time for class is 7:25. This means that students should be in their classroom and seated at 7:25, not just arriving to the building or remaining in the hallways. In order to keep our students on time, we NEED YOUR HELP in making sure your students are on their way to school in a timely fashion.
As always, we appreciate the support and cooperation of our Wilde Lake Family in ensuring that our students’ safety and education are a top priority!
Happy Autumn and Stay Safe!